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Debt Relief Consult
Debtor Defense Leads to Settling $10K in Debt to $6K with Payment Plan
We helped a client in Stow Municipal Court settle his debts. With a spotty employment history doing seasonal part-time work at the time he fell behind on his account, he struggled to deal with the sizable debt he had accrued. He was now working and in a position to settle the account, so he reached out to Luftman, Heck & Associates to handle his case. He had not had any prior issues with creditors.
Our defense centered around our client’s part-time, seasonal work and the nature of his employment, but that he was willing to settle. We only had to attend one court date to resolve our client’s balance of $10,492.69. We achieved a debt settlement of $6,000 for our client, to be paid in 12 monthly payments of $500 per month. We were also able to get our client a significant discount on the balance owed. A payment plan made it easier for our client to handle his expenses given his uncertain work schedule.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome in your case. Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors. The results and client testimonials provided are not necessarily representative of the results obtained by all clients or their satisfaction with the firm’s services.